It may be due to an allergy to various ingredients in alcoholic beverages, such as grains, wheat, barley, hops, sulfites and yeast. There are also signs that the body is reacting negatively to alcohol itself; symptoms such as headaches, nausea, stomach pains and dizziness which occur when consuming alcohol. Additionally, alcohol can cause a histamine reaction, triggered by the body’s immune system when it comes into contact with the allergen. In some cases, symptoms may be the result of an underlying condition that can be managed with proper medical treatment. In this case, avoiding these types of drinks and/or medications that contain histamine can help reduce the symptoms.

why do i sneeze when i drink alcohol

One of the most common forms of alcohol intolerance is sulfite intolerance. This type of allergy occurs when an individual cannot break down sulfites, which are a byproduct of fermentation and appear in wine and other alcoholic beverages. Symptoms may include why do i sneeze when i drink alcohol hives, swelling, difficulty breathing, headaches, nausea and vomiting. For those with severe allergies or asthma, sulfite intolerance can be life-threatening. For mild cases of sulfite intolerance, avoiding products with added sulfites may provide relief.

What Does It Mean to Have a Beer Allergy?

This closes off the back of the mouth so the air is forced mostly through your nose. The air expelled through the nose flushes out the irritants that caused the sneeze. The “tch” sound of a sneeze is the reflexive touching of the tongue to the roof of your mouth. The pressure in the airways during a sneeze is more than 30 times greater than heavy breathing during exercise. Estimates of how fast a sneeze travels range from 5 metres a second to more than 150 kilometres per hour.

why do i sneeze when i drink alcohol

You’ll also want to avoid all other products made with that ingredient. If you’re allergic to a specific grain, beer won’t be your only problem. You’ll also experience symptoms when you eat other food products containing that allergen. If your symptoms are very mild, you may have a food sensitivity rather than a true allergy.

What Is an Alcohol Allergy?

First, some people have lower levels of the enzymes the body needs to break alcohol (ethanol) into metabolites that it can process and excrete. When byproducts of alcohol don’t get broken down quickly enough, they accumulate to levels high enough to cause a mild allergic reaction. If you’ve ever experienced anaphylaxis after drinking beer, it’s important that you determine which ingredient caused it so you can avoid it all together.

  • The symptoms range from sneezing and congestion to a more severe anaphylactic reaction.
  • Filtration of wine is an important process in the production of a good quality beverage.
  • If you have a true alcohol allergy, the only way to avoid symptoms is to avoid alcohol entirely.
  • The most common type of allergy testing is the skin prick test.
  • Red wines, for example, tend to have higher levels of histamines than white wine or beer.

However, if you have a serious reaction or severe pain, see your doctor. Also, if your symptoms seem to be linked to an allergy or a medication you’re taking, see your doctor. Applying a cold compress to your nose will help to soothe the mucous membranes in your nose and reduce inflammation. Keep reading to learn more about why you sneeze after eating and how you can prevent sneezing fits after eating in the future.